恩恩, 以下是我翻译的正文:

你一定不相信, 亚马逊竟然把一个缝纫机放在了首页最显耀的位置,,所以我TMD就意外的买了一个!

所以我现在坐在电脑前, 看着12个"经典版"卡包, 和桌子上的缝纫机, 心中千言万语, 但是我只想说, 感谢所有这些二货公司, 因为你们从来都不会站在用户的角度去考虑问题。
谢谢你, 暴雪。
"So basically i was going to open packs, but stupid blizzard put the classic packs as standard, so i bought 12 classic packs for all the gold that i had farmed up over the last coupple of months...
I was so pissed, but i decided that I should just get over it, so I went onto Amazon to get myself the new gaming mouse I had saved my money for. But can you believe it? Amazon put the sewing machines on the front page, so I accidentaly ordered one of those instead.
So now im sitting here with 12 packs and a sewing machine, all thanks to all these stupid companies that doesn't think about their customers a single second...
Thanks Blizzard."
